Eremito - A unique place, in which find harmony and wellbeing, through a soul experience

A unique place, in which find harmony and wellbeing, through a soul experience

Menu Reservation

St. John’s herbs

St. John’s herbs

22-24 June 2024

The feast of Saint John is one of the most important ceremonies of the year both in the pagan world, as connected to the moment of maximum light of the Summer Solstice, and in the Christian world as the 24 June is celebrated S.Giovanni Battista, whose origin and celebration already goes back to S.Agostino.

According to tradition, the night before the day of Saint John the Baptist (June 24) is considered a magical night, in which the forces of nature give the grasses bathed by the dew solar energy, healing and protective virtues.

At sunset on June 23, herbs and flowers are collected and left in the water all night under the stars: artemisia, lavender, rue, garlic, sage, rosemary and especially hypericum.

The next morning we get wet first with this water that brings blessings and good luck for the new season.

The Hypericum, also called plant of Saint John, is collected especially in these days of the Solstice and is used on the skin for its healing properties on wounds and burns.

It is also called “Scacciademoni Grass” because in ancient times it was thought that the Hypericum conferred protection against evil spirits, and that it cured the states of “melancholy”.

During the days of the retreat we will immerse ourselves in the collection of plants for both kitchen and herbal uses, in a Workshop where we will learn to create an hypericum oil and an ointment that each participant will take home.





15.00 Arrival and accommodation in the celluzze

Circle of presentation

18.30 Readings in the Chapel (optional)

19.30 DINNER in silence

Herbal tea around the fire, under the stars





7.30 Readings in the Chapel (optional)

7.50- 8.30 Awakening of the body

8.30-9.30 Breakfast

Walk in the woods and collection of wild herbs for lunch and hypericum, plant of St. John.

Preparation of hypericum oil.

13.00 LUNCH with the collected herbs (salad, pesto and cooked herbs) and cataloguing of the collected herbs



Preparation of an ointment of hypericum, great for wounds and burns.

Collection of flowers and aromatic herbs for the preparation of the waters of St. John

18.00 Readings in the Chapel (optional)

19.30 DINNER in silence

Songs around the fire and stories about the Summer Solstice and St.John





7.30 Readings in the Chapel (optional)

7.50- 8.30 Awakening of the body

Ritual bath with the waters of St. John

8.30-9.30 Breakfast

Seminar “7 Plants for 7 Planets”: Meeting on Western Medicine Spagyric
and meditation with the 7 Planetary Quintessences

Circle sharing and closing.

Check-out by 11.00 am

**Each participant will bring home an oleolito and ointment made entirely by hand

Event Ended